Voo de Instrução com DeHilton e Equipe.

          Voo de instrução em asa delta com DeHilton e Equipe. Conheça o Voo Livre realizando sua primeira aula em companhia de um instrutor habilitado pela CBVL - Confederação Brasileira de Voo Livre.

+55 21 99964-2607

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Paul Walker

"My hang-gliding tourguide gave me a 20 minute mini-DVR video of my hang-gliding experience --- with a lot of wind noise, so this was my 1st attempt at video editing w/ sound. :) First, I couldn't get the mini-DVR to play on my mac, so I had to take an iphone video of the video itself before I could even edit it! (Sorry about the quality). Anyways, I did my best....here is a 5 minute video-of-a-video synopsis of my first experience off the plane in Rio de Janeiro! Enjoy! And do it yourself one day, if given the opportunity!"